
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Reversal of Microvascular Dysfunction
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Can existing vascular disease be reversed? Listen as Associate Editor Robert Hester (University of Mississippi Medical Center) interviews lead author Jefferson Frisbee (University of Western Ontario) and content expert Geraldine Clough (University of Southampton) about the novel new work by Lemaster et al, which utilized a chronically obese animal model to attempt to reverse established vascular dysfunction rather than blunt disease development. After treatment with chronic atorvastatin, or chronic treadmill exercise, or both, Frisbee and colleagues observed improvement in endothelial function, however with some residual vasculopathy. What unique insights were gained by using a multi-scale approach from whole animal to isolated tissues? Do these observations have translational implications for treatment of microvascular dysfunction in patients? Listen and find out.
Kent A Lemaster, Stephanie J Frisbee, Luc DuBois, Nikolaos Tzemos, Fan Wu, Matthew T Lewis, Robert W. Wiseman, and Jefferson C. Frisbee Chronic Atorvastatin and Exercise Can Partially Reverse Established Skeletal Muscle Microvasculopathy in Metabolic Syndrome Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. Published June 22, 2018. DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.00193.2018